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Good News! LVTC's Case for Water Conservation is Included in the List of Typical Cases of National Water-saving Colleges and Universities

Updated:2022-11-26 10:15|Hits:

Good News! LVTC's Case for Water Conservation is Included in the List of Typical Cases of National Water-saving Colleges and Universities

Source:Infrastructure Division Author: Senior Editor: Release Date: November 23, 2022

From News Center (Text by Logistical Support Division, Yu Zhixing; Photo by Logistical Support Division, Yu Luoming) Recently, according to the Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Water Resources of the People's Republic of China, the General Office of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China and the General Office of the National Government Offices Administration on Announcing the List of Typical Cases of Water-saving Colleges and Universities (BJY [2022] No. 301), LVTC's case for water conservation was included in the list of typical cases of national water-saving colleges and universities. The overview of the typical cases can be found on the website of the National Office of Water Conservation.

      It is reported that LVTC's case for water conservation has gone through the following procedures before being included in the list of typical cases of national water-saving colleges and universities: application to, and review and recommendation by the provincial water administrative department, the provincial education department and the provincial government offices administration, and expert review, on-site review, comprehensive review and public announcement organized by the Ministry of Water Resources of the People's Republic of China, the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China and the National Government Offices Administration.

     LVTC's case summarizes the advanced practices in water-saving management system, water-saving technical indicators, publicity and education of water conservation, meticulous water management, and construction of water-saving facilities. First, sound water-saving system: LVTC has defined water-saving management organization and responsibilities, formulated water-saving management system and measures, and included water conservation objectives in the work assessment, commendation and reward. Second, advanced water-saving indicators: LVTC has established per capita annual water consumption that is superior to the national advanced value of water consumption quota, realized metering of water consumption by level and household, and installed water-saving appliances. Third, strong atmosphere of water conservation: LVTC has publicized water conservation by means of bulletin boards, electronic screens, and posters, and carried out social practices, speech competitions and special lectures on the theme of water conservation to continuously enhance teachers' and students' awareness of water conservation. Fourth, meticulous water management: LVTC has carried out patrol inspection and maintenance of water facilities on a regular basis, strictly controlled escaping, spilling, dripping and leakage, standardized water management records, and built an information-based monitoring platform of water conservation. Fifth, complete water-saving facilities: LVTC has maintained and updated the pipe network in time, and used intelligent water-saving equipment in bathrooms and boiler rooms. Sixth, scientific research and innovation: LVTC has mobilized professional and technical forces to participate in water conservation of colleges and universities, and given full play to the advantages of scientific research and talents in colleges and universities to carry out R&D and promotion of water-saving technology and equipment.

     The inclusion of LVTC's case in the list is a full affirmation of LVTC's water conservation by the education, water conservancy, and government offices administration departments of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Liuzhou City. LVTC will continue to play a demonstration role in water conservation in the future, and further promote all teachers and students to participate in water conservation.





Department Website Auditor: Yu Luoming, Logistics Support Division

College Website Auditor: Luo Shihua, the Publicity Department of the CPC LVTC Committee